Please use the Tattoo Application.
The automated booking system will send you a confirmation email when you book, in which there is a link to change your appointment.
This system is set to allow you to make changes more then 48 hrs before the appointment.
If it is less then 48 hours in advance the system will not allow changes. It is unlikely that I will be able to fill the spot you had reserved and so the deposit is forfeit to cover my loss of time.
For consultations, since they are free (and I would like to keep it that way,) please be considerate of my time when you reserve it. This is an hour of my day set aside for you, upon your request. The system will not allow you to reschedule less the 48 hrs before a consultation for the same reason, however there is no deposit to make up for it.
For Covid cases, in appreciation of keeping me and my studio safe, the deposit will roll until your next appointment.
The deposit is non refundable.
The space is small so please don’t bring more than one support person.
Generally there is about 30 min of prep before starting. Things such as filling out paperwork, finalizing or adjusting designs, making a stencil, setting up the tattoo area etc. This will most likely be longer due to COVID!
There is also about 30 min after to take photos, bandage your tattoo, give aftercare instructions, take payment etc.
If you have a time constraint please make that very clear to your artist before arriving for your tattoo.
If you are scheduled for a larger project please include breaks in your estimate of time. The artist and client both deserve to eat, use the bathroom, stretch their bodies etc.
Your deposit will be held until a time that you are safely through the illness and can reschedule. Please communicate as far in advance as possible.
Your temperature will be taken upon arrival and Leah will not tattoo anyone with a reading over 100 Degrees F.
If you show up to your appointment sick, you will be not be tattooed, and your deposit will be forfeit.
Consultations are about 20 to 40 minutes and are free!
They are not mandatory, but are recommended if work is needed on a design, for client comfort, or to meet the artist. This is time for the client to express what they would like, and impart any important information to your artist about comfort, meaning, and specific needs or thoughts. Leah offers Reiki, guided meditation, and space for spiritual practice if the client is interested, and is happy to discuss this practice during the consultation.
Please sanitize your hands upon arrival.
We are happy to wear masks upon request from the client.
You are allowed to bring someone with you if they are also vaccinated and boosted.
If you contract Covid-19, and contact me ahead of time, I will hold your deposit and we can reschedule at a safe time.
If you show up on the day of your appointment and show signs of illness, I will not tattoo you and your deposit will be forfeit.
Deposits are a minimum of $100 and are non refundable. Deposits may be transferable if rescheduling with advance notice; they are generally forfeit if you reschedule less than 48 hours before the appointment date. Deposits are included in the total cost of a tattoo and are subtracted from the last session.
Deposit may be forfeited for the following reasons:
- No call/No show.
- Showing up more than 1 hour late with no communication
- Canceling/ rescheduling less than 48 hours of your appointment
- Deciding not to get tattooed after making an appointment
- Showing signs of intoxication
- Disruptive or rude behavior
Deposits expire completely after 3 months of no dialogue.
The shop minimum is $200
My hourly rate is $200. I tend to book whole day or half day slots with people (unless it’s a significantly smaller project). Half day is $800 and a whole day is $1200. If you have a particular budget you’d like to work with let me know and we can design accordingly!
The time begins when you arrive and ends when you leave.
Design time, breaks, lunch, bathroom break, smoke break etc are all time spent in the care of your artist with their full attention.
The emotional labor of tattooing is often just as intensive as the physical act of tattooing so please understand that we are working for you the whole time you are here.
I prefer cash!
I can also accept all credit and debit cards (with small user fee)
and use Venmo (@leahcaldieri)
Yes, it’s customary to tip your artist if you’re happy with your tattoo, or felt you got extra attention. A good tip is 15-20% of the total cost of your tattoo including deposit, similar to what you might leave in a restaurant, but any token of gratitude is appreciated so feel free to get creative!
For tattoos that were originally executed here at Charon Arts touch ups are free unless the tattoo is located on the hands or feet. Please be sure to wait at least 1 month to let your tattoo heal fully before emailing to schedule your touch-up.
Tips and forms of gratuity are always appreciated.
I am also happy to help you revisit tattoos done elsewhere that needs some revitalizing, however I charge regular rates for this work.
The purpose is to hash out where elements will be placed and how they will interact with musculature or other pre-existing tattoos. There may be unfinished looking lines or vague ideas of the shapes and elements of the tattoo in the map. This becomes the subject of a conversation between artist and client.
I often send a rough draft to clients about a few days before their tattoo appointment to determine what elements are feeling good and what need to be changed. The image is a layout for the specificities that we determine together.
Please bring a beverage and snacks! Something sugary is good in case of a drop in blood sugar. You are also welcome to bring comfy things like your favorite blanket or pillow 🙂
There is space here for sentimental items as well, if you have things that will add to your tattoo experience, they are welcome!
If you are under 21 please bring an ID so we can verify your age.
Please wear appropriate clothing that allows easy access to the part of your body getting tattooed. Layers are also good as rapid body temperature change is common.
Please eat a good breakfast or meal before you arrive!
Do not show up on an empty stomach.
Please shower immediatly before your appointment to help with COVID control. It is also polite to your artist who will be in close proximity for hours at a time
Drink a LOT of water. Hydrated bodies and skin will heal the best. It is great to start a day before and continue a day or so after.
If you have a lot of hair in the area where you are getting tattooed please shave before arriving. This will give the skin a chance to calm down before getting tattooed.
It is illegal to be intoxicated while getting a tattoo, in addition, alcohol is a blood thinner and will cause you to bleed a lot more as well as decreasing your pain tolerance. Please do not drink the day before or the day of your tattoo, save the beer for after you’re done!
Marijuana products are now legal in Massachusetts and can help manage pain or anxiety and can be used within reason. If you have a perscription for pain killers, that is up to you, however please check to make sure they are not blood thinners!!
Yes, see the Terms & Conditions.
On occasion someone will have an allergy to a certain color of tattoo ink. In the case of an allergy one may experience more redness or itchyness during the healing period. This will usually resolve itself once the healing is finished.
It is also possible for the body to push a certain color out of the skin. In this case a second try might help, or switching hue or brand. Sometimes different brands of the same color will react differently.
If you have a lot of allergies a small spot test can be useful before getting a large tattoo.
We also use handmade organic vegan products that contain ingredients such as beeswax, jojoba oil, hemp oil, comfry, arnica, etc.
Please make me aware of known allergens so we can find a subsitute.
The brands of tattoo ink used all state on their websites that they ARE vegan.
The largest two brands are Eternal and Intenze if you’d like to check out their websites.
Other products that we use (such as the following) have stated on their websites that they are vegan:
- SecondSkin Aftercare Bandages
- Stencil Stuff Stencil Adhesive
- Dr. Bronner’s Soap (Lavendar)
- Spirit Stencil Transfer Paper
No 🙂
Yes. However, it varies greatly between different people and locations on the body. Every individual is different and there is no way to predict how getting a certain tattoo will feel to you. Being well rested and well fed, as well as going into the tattoo with a calm, positive state of mind can be very helpful. I will make the process as comfortable as possible, but for those who know they are extra sensitive, ask about booking multiple short sessions to complete the tattoo rather than one or two long ones. I can also advise on specialized numbing products if this is something you are interested in trying.
No. Sorry.
It is illegal in the state of Massachusetts to tattoo minors even with parental consent.
Charon Arts Aftercare
You made it! Congratulations on your new tattoo! You are a super human and we appreciate your personal journey into body art.
It’s ok if you feel totally out of it and can’t remember any verbal instructions given by your artist because it’s all written down here! Please stick this sheet in your bathroom/ healing room and read as many times as necessary.
- If you are using a breathable adhesive bandage (Saniderm, Tegaderm, Secondskin etc.) it can be left on for a minimum of 24 hours or up to a maximum of 5-7 days after application.
- If you are using Secondskin or a comparable adhesive bandage, the longer you leave it on, the more it will heal underneath!
- It is normal to see a pooling of liquid under the adhesive bandage. It may look smudged or totally obscure the tattoo, this is normal!
- Saran wrap should only be left on for a few hours.
When you are ready to remove your bandage you should then:
- Wash tattoo with gentle soap, using only clean hands
- Take care to remove all traces of blood, ink, and serous fluid (clear or yellowish liquid)
- Do not scrub the tattoo during the first two weeks
- Always gently pat or let air dry in the first two weeks
- When dry, apply a thin layer of ointment (Aquaphore, A&D or herbal balm)
- Too much ointment will suffocate the skin, if you can see streaks or globs it’s too much. If your skin begins to break out it is a sign of over moisturizing.
- Do not rebandage the tattoo, it needs to breathe
- Wash, dry, and moisturize your tattoo morning and night for 1-5 days after bandage removal. (If you are able to leave the bandage on for a longer period of time, it will be more healed and require less days of washing and moisturizing)
After that:
- Your skin will form a thin membrane to protect the tattoo while it heals. This layer peels off in flakes similar to a sunburn. DON’T PEEL IT! (You will risk pulling ink out). It’s normal to see colored flakes falling off. If a hard scab forms, DON’T PICK IT! (you will pull ink out).
- Stay out of chlorine and salt water for 2 weeks.
- Shower normally.
- Do not submerge the tattoo in any water for more than 5-10 min for the first two weeks. Prolonged soaking can loosen/draw out ink.
- KEEP YOUR NEW TATTOO OUT OF THE SUN! A sunburn on a new tattoo can dry it out, cause blistering or terrible scabs, cause fading, promote scarring and generally take longer to heal.
- Don’t use sunscreen/sunblock until AFTER it’s totally healed.
- When your tattoo is healed and you get a tan, colors such as white, pink, yellow and orange may not show up as brightly because the darkened skin is covering the layer where the tattoo exists. Excessive exposure to sunlight over time will cause your tattoo to fade no matter what colors are used.
- We do not recommend the use of medicated ointment unless there are signs of infection. In this case small amounts of Neosporin or Bacitracin can be used topically.
- Adhesive bandages sometimes have the side effect of causing redness or rash on skin surrounding the tattoo. This will not harm your tattoo but it is recommended to remove the bandage if irritation is occurring underneath.
- It is normal for a healing tattoo to itch as it flakes and hair is regrowing. DO NOT SCRATCH IT! To relieve itching an open hand slap is recommended
If you are concerned that something may be wrong in the healing process, typical tattoo infection symptoms may include:
- Inflammation: prolonged red coloration around the tattoo that gets worse over the course of 48 hours.
- Swelling: if initial swelling is excessive or spreads over time.
- Fever: Ranging from mild to sever and should be treated immediately, one might also experience muscle aches, and general weakness.
- Pain: If the initial pain doesn’t begin to fade after 48 hours, or increases.
- Discharge: If the discharge becomes yellow or green pus.
- Foul Odor: Anaerobic or “bad” bacteria emit a foul smell, go to a doctor immediately.
- Red Streaks: Streaks radiating from the tattoo can be a sign of blood poisoning, this can be FATAL if untreated.
Following care instructions will minimize the risk of infection, but if signs or symptoms occur, contact your health provider!